Home 2016


Bread Chocolate Wine the slow loss of foods we Love by Simran Sethi

Bread Chocolate Wine The Slow Loss Of Foods We Love by Simran Sethi

Simran Sethi has the most tempting titles for her book. Who does not love Bread Chocolate Wine? And Coffee, and Beer? The answer is...
Panther by Chhimi Tenduf-La

Panther by Chhimi Tenduf-La – Book Review

Sri Lanka, a country that we know of our epic Ramayana. And a country that we know from our recent history for all the disturbances...
The Marble Collector by Cecelia Ahern

The Marble Collector by Cecelia Ahern

The Marble Collector by Cecelia Ahern brings out the world of Marbles & Marble collectors in an intriguing way. We all have played marbles...
Strictly Personal - Manmohan & Gursharan by Daman Singh

Strictly Personal – Manmohan & Gursharan by Daman Singh

Manmohan Singh is a public figure we hardly know anything about except his public persona. And his image as an upright academic turned bureaucrat...
Being Different by Rajiv Malhotra

Being Different by Rajiv Malhotra Book Review

I picked up this book Being Different after I saw a few videos of Rajiv Malhotra talking about Hinduism and trying to explain it. Videos...
Just Married, Please excuse by Yashodhara Lal

Just Married, Please excuse by Yashodhara Lal

Just married, please excuse is another one from the category of ‘I, Me, Myself’… Is there the world beyond me? If yes, please buy...
My Beautiful Shadow by Radhika Jha

My Beautiful Shadow by Radhika Jha

Beginning on a high note, My Beautiful Shadow, the book by Radhika Jha settles into a monotone of brands and finally scatters all over the...
Simian by Vikram Balagopal

Simian by Vikram Balagopal – Book Review

When this graphic novel Simian by Vikram Balagopal came to me for review with the back cover informing that it is the story of Ramayana...
Who wrote the Bhagavadgita? By Meghnad Desai

Who wrote the Bhagavadgita? By Meghnad Desai

Bhagwad Gita or Bhagavadgita is a sacred text for a large section of humanity. And a mystery for almost anyone who has either heard...
Love And Lust: An Anthology Of Erotic Literature From Ancient And Medieval India by Pavan K Varma & Sandhya Mulchandani

Love and Lust by Pavan K Varma & Sandhya Mulchandani

If you thought Kamasutra represents ancient Indian erotic literature, read this book Love and Lust to know that it is just a small speck...

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