Just Married, Please excuse by Yashodhara Lal


Just married, please excuse is another one from the category of β€˜I, Me, Myself’… Is there the world beyond me? If yes, please buy my book and read my story that has nothing more than ordinary to offer. But then I cannot see anything beyond myself to write about?

It could be a story of any working couple, who met in the office, married and had a kid. There is nothing in the story that should make you think anything. There is not even family opposition to their marriage. No extra-marital affair. No tragedies or comedies. And it seems author chose not even to use her imagination whatsoever. All she did was pick up her daily diary or maybe all that was in her mind only and wrote it in one linear fashion. She has stopped at the birth of her first child and I assume sequels planned for the birth of each child. Seriously, do you want us to know which airlines you flew, how you checked potty of your infant and how you boarded an aircraft with a child and how your maid refused food!

It is not even chic-lit because that kind of takes you into a fantasy world for some time. I wonder how does the family feel when written about in such minute details in public.

The author does have a funny bone, though, and can make you laugh aΒ couple of times through the narrative. I wish she looks beyond her own life, thinks a little bit more and then writes. I also want to give her credit for not inserting sex for the sake of inserting it. Like most books in this genre tend to do.

Whoever gave me this book, feel free to take it back.

You may buy this book – Just Married, Please excuse Opposites attract Trouble by Yashodhara Lal at Amazon.

Just Married, Please excuse by Yashodhara Lal
Just Married, Please excuse by Yashodhara Lal
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  1. Ouch…you are brutally honest. I feel if one has to write about the routine stuff, it should be of the quality of middle-of-the-road movies by Basu Chatterjee and Hrishikesh Mukherjee. Take Chupke Chupke for example – no complexities but amazing story.

  2. Wow! I wanted to pick up this one after all the hype that was created around the end book. But I guess good sense prevailed. πŸ™‚ It seems exactly how I expected it to be!


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