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Planning Your Life Beyond Work
Stepping into the new calendar year means surfing through a barrage of forwarded new year...
Visual Shouting of Pervasive Advertising
I was recently on a boat ride on the Ganga at Varanasi, nostalgically looking at...
The Environmental Cost Of Convenience
On my morning walks in the university campus where I am a scholar-in-residence, I initially...
Tackling The Source Of Problems
Come elections, and newspaper front pages and social media timelines are full of new hospitals...
Are We Prepared For Digital Accidents?
A Microsoft glitch triggered by an update from its security partner Crowdstrike recently brought down...
Crowd Management To Avoid Stampedes
The last thing I wanted to experience in the beautiful valley of Kashmir was getting...
A Mundane Wishlist For Modi 3.0
With the cacophony of the elections settled, the Modi-led NDA or Modi 3.0 has started...
Redefining Brahmacharya For The New Age
It is easy to tempt anyone on diet to have a samosa or a piece...
A Case Against Automated Voice Messages
A deluge of automated voice messages is the latest menace we all are facing. A...
Chaitra – Time For Nava Samvatsara
Chaitra – the first month of the Indian Hindu Calendar derives its name from Chitra...