Launching Ideas to Explore
During my numerous readings, during my everyday experiences, during my interactions with all kinds of people, often some thoughts and Ideas cross my mind....
Bust your Innovation Myths
Art Markman in his HBR article tells you to bust your Innovation Myths. And for a change I like an HBR article. We indeed...
Gary Hamel on Organizations for Humans
Gary Hamel talks about organizations that are fit for humans in his video at Managament Innovation Exchange. I have always liked Gary's work, specially when...
Six Thinking Hats
Paul Sloane very simply explains Edward De Bono's Six thinking hats in a small tutorial...
I thought the De Bono's six thinking hats were a...
Boredon / Observation for Innovation
Scott Anthony in an article @Innosight talks about how Boredom can drive Innovation. Though cleverly titled, the article is meant to share his 15...
Jugaad and the world Media
Is Jugaad being over hyped and beaten to death...? Now they have coined the term for our Jugaad....Frugal Innovation. I wonder if the terminology...
Information revolutions in the history of mankind
Historian Elin Whitney-Smith in her interview on Strategy and Business identifies 5 major information revolutions in the history of mankind and shows how the leaders...
Tata Innometer
Tata Innometer is an interesting tool that the Tata group uses to measure the need of Innovation in the organization. It measures two parameters...
Front End Retailing
Some time back I had written about my retail experiences as a customer or consumer. The posts made their way into almost all major...
Gandhian Model for Innovation.
Raghunath Mashelkar, a scholar & scientist talks about the Gandhian Model for Innovation in a Strategy & Business interview , which in one line...