Home 2014


UNESCO World Heritage Site Series - Elephanta by George Michell

Elephanta by George Michell – Book Review

This slim volume is on the UNESCO world heritage site of Elephanta caves near Mumbai. Noted historian Goerge Michell wrote the book. And it...
Aisle Be Damned by Rishi Piparaiya

Aisle Be Damned by Rishi Piparaiya

I do not remember reading a more childish book than this Aisle Be Damned. A high-flying executive trying to give you humor-filled Gyan on...
The Yogic Manager by Avinash B. Sharma

The Yogic Manager by Avinash B. Sharma

I am losing count of the books that try to bring the Vedic knowledge or ancient Indian wisdom to modern management. Most of these...
Find_Love.com by Neeta Iyer

Find_Love.com by Neeta Iyer – Book Review

Find_Love.com is like Love in the times of Dot Coms. What matrimonial websites have done to the groom and bride hunting is that it...
Wise enough to be Foolish by Gauri Jayaram

Wise enough to be Foolish by Gauri Jayaram

Wise enough to be Foolish is a story of a woman growing up in middle-class India, working and finding her own identity. Goes through...
Corporate Chanakya by Radhakrishnan Pillai

Corporate Chanakya by Radhakrishnan Pillai

Works of Chanakya, his strategies and his insights applied to the modern day corporate environment is the single sentence essence of this book Corporate...
The Blogging Revolution by Antony Loewenstein

The Blogging Revolution by Antony Loewenstein

An Australian Jew goes around five non-democratic countries. 3 in the middle east - Iran, Syria, Egypt and two others: China & Cuba. Talks...
The Secret Letters of the Monk who sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma

The Secret Letters of the Monk who sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma

When I received this book The Secret Letters of the Monk who sold his Ferrari, I was not sure if I would read it....

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