Home 2014


Rokda: How Baniyas do Business by Nikhil Inamdar

Rokda: How Baniyas do Business by Nikhil Inamdar

Baniya-Buddhi is what we Baniyas call common sense. If you ask most businessmen the secret of their success they would attribute it to basic...
Kathmandu by Thomas Bell

Kathmandu by Thomas Bell – Book Review

Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal is an intriguing place - an ancient city wrapped in a lot of mythology, where Hinduism and Buddhism co-exist...
The Last King in India - Wajid Ali Shah by Rosie Llewellyn-Jones

The Last King in India – Wajid Ali Shah by Rosie Llewellyn-Jones

Biographies of historical figures stitched together using the material available with a bit of imagination acting as a thread can be very interesting -...
How to become a Billionaire by Selling Nothing by Aditya Magal

How to become a Billionaire by Selling Nothing by Aditya Magal

It is very easy to review a good book or a bad book. It is the books in between that make you think and...
Cat out of Hell by Lynne Truss

Cat out of Hell by Lynne Truss – Book Review

Ages ago I had read Lynne Truss’s Eats, Shoots & Leaves - a zero-tolerance approach to punctuation. And I still remember reading that. So...
Delhi Mostly Harmless Elizabeth Chatterjee

Delhi Mostly Harmless by Elizabeth Chatterjee

Participant Observer is a technique in anthropology, where the researcher becomes a part of the community or society he or she is studying. They...
Aftertaste by Namita Devidayal

Aftertaste by Namita Devidayal – Book Review

A Bania Marwari family in the business district of Mumbai in the mid-1980s and the family saga that tells you the dynamics of the...
Shweta Punj Author of Why I Failed

Author Shweta Punj on Success & Failure

Shweta Punj author of the book Why I Failed shares her thoughts with Anureviews. Interview with author Shweta Punj Tell us something about yourself - where...
Why I Failed by Shweta Punj

Why I Failed by Shweta Punj – Book Review

Why I Failed by Shweta Punj, talks about the failures of successful people from various walks of life. There is enough literature celebrating and analyzing...
Happy Birthday! By Meghna Pant

Happy Birthday! By Meghna Pant – Book Review

13 stories wade through various human relationships and the undercurrents they carry. The book Happy Birthday! talks about an everyday relationship we have in...

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