Self-help books motivate you and inspire you to work towards your own goals. Most self-help books try to give you a formula for success. A formula that has probably worked for some people. Can there be a prescription like a formula for success? My answer would be ‘No’. This is the reason I usually do not like self-help books. However, there are a few authors who do a good job of showing you the mirror and helping you find gaps in your own journey towards success. Robin Sharma is one of them. He is carrying forward a legacy that was started by the likes of Steven Covey with his iconic book – The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People.
Robin Sharma though has a style of his own. He brings in the spiritual angle to the journey. He does not give you prescriptions for success but allows you to explore yourself what you need to do. I enjoyed reading his earlier books:
Secret Letters from the Monk who sold his Ferrari
In this Little Black book which is meant for stunning success – Robin Sharma gives 70 teasers for you to take action for your desired success. He tells you a small story or an anecdote sometimes just a daily routine that makes you think. His 200-300 word anecdote becomes a reference point for you to think about yourself, your life, your goals and what stands between what you are now and what you want to be.
Written in a workbook style – it leaves space for you to record each day 3 things:
What I’m Grateful for Today
Where will I pursue Mastery today
What I Learned Today
I think if one can focus on learning something every day, you are sorted for life. Learning is such a joy for the present and the only thing you need to create future. If we can focus on improving just a wee bit of what we want to be or work on improving our craft or skill, there is nothing else that we need to do.
Every lesson in the book comes with a quotable quote – that reminds you what life is. These are things you probably know – maybe not so smartly worded. However, these are things that need constant re-enforcement.
If used like a workbook to break your creativity blocks or to push yourself towards whatever goal you are working on – it is a great book.
Read it one day at a time. Reading the whole book in one go would have no impact whatsoever.
I would wait to hear from others if they found it useful. I have read it back to back but have not used it as a workbook as I think would be most appropriate to judge this book.
If you think it can help you, go for it.
You may buy this book Little Black Book for Stunning Success by Robin Sharma at Amazon.