Brahma Gyan – literally means the knowledge of the universe. Ravikumar Kakde explores if what we worship in Sanatan Dharma is really the cosmos and some of its elements that directly impact us. This book is an inquiry into the cosmos of Hindu deities that may totally overlap the actual universe as we know it.
In Brahma Gyan, the author proposed that Shiva is nothing but the Black Hole that is high energy magnetic force that destroys anything that comes near it. This makes Shiva the center of the universe. Nandi is nothing but the constellation Taurus. He goes on to explain how we on earth are living in the center of the universe and the Taurus constellation. This is the reason why Nandi is always facing the Shiva and us, as devotees stand between them. He goes on to describe Shiva’s attributes in terms of universal elements. He says Vasuki – the snake that we see around Shiva’s neck is nothing space-time continuum. Trishul and Damru represent the destructive and constructive powers of the Shiva. As we know creativity and destruction co-exist like most concepts in the world. You can not create without destroying what is already existing.
He suggests that first fourteen sounds produced by the Damru are Shiva Sutras or Maheshwara Sutras. He suggests these 14 sounds are nothing but 14 subatomic particles like quarks and leptons. These particles incidentally are called God particles by the particle scientists. Ravikumar Kakde calls ‘Om’ as a Baryon.
Sage Panini heard these 14 beats of Shiva’s Damru in meditation and he used them to formulate Sanskrit grammar.
He explains that Samudra Manthan is nothing but the big bang. The life as we know including some deities like Lakshmi came out of this big bang or Samudra Manthan. He goes on to explain and Suras and Asuras mentioned in our scriptures are nothing but matter and anti-matter – that must co-exist. He explains that matter particles came together to form the world we inhabit. And he defines Halahal or the poison that sits at the throat of Shiva as the process of annihilation of matter and anti-matter.
Muruga or Karthik – the son of Shiva represents the Orion constellation. He says Karthik is nothing but a white dwarf – less powerful than a black hole but as mighty as a black hole. Kali is the dark energy.
For other mythological figures, he says the famous axe of Parsuram is nothing but constellation Perseus.
I am not sure if what Ravikumar Kakde is presenting is his own thought process or he is building upon some existing research or documentation. He has not mentioned any references apart from the ancient Indian literature which is pretty much in public domain. He uses his knowledge of particle physics and astronomy to explain his theory.
To me, as a student of Indology, this book was very thought-provoking. It made me think of the cosmic representation on earth in Hinduism. It made me realize that my religion is all about knowing that you are a small part of a big universe. Probably it also implies that everything that happens anywhere in the universe impacts us.
You may buy this book Brahma Gyan – Science Behind Shiva by Ravikumar Kakde at Amazon India.
The books may not agree with your established notion of religion. If you have studied physics, especially particle physics, you would appreciate Ravikumar Kakde’s hypothesis. I always believed that the motion of sub-atomic particles is nothing but Shiva’s Tandava as mentioned in Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra. So, for me, this was like reading an extension of what I always believed. I tend to agree with whatever Ravikumar Ji says. I am going to recommend Brahma Gyan to people who I know enjoy reading the confluence of spirituality and science.
You take your own call.
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hey anu ji.
this was the book i had reviewed some years back and my review was published in the british media.
u have given a new and a wider perspective of lord muruga or lord karthikeya also my namesake.
how is ravikumar kakde now, hope he has recovered fully from his ailments with the blessings of the lord and our good wishes.
om muruga !
hi where I can buy it Anuradha?
Have added the Amazon link to buy the book for you. Enjoy Reading.
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