Globetrotting for Love & Other Stories from Sakhalin Island by Ajay Kamalakaran
I had never heard of Sakhalin Islands until I received the email from Ajay Kamalakaran, the author of Globetrotting for Love & Other Stories...
The Haunted Library – Classic Ghost Stories by Tanya Kirk
The Haunted Library – Now who does not love a good ghost story? On top of that, if the ghost story is set in...
Life and the Grey Notes by Mayank S Sengar
Life and the Grey Notes by Mayank S Sengar is a book that most of us have within us. Anyone of us can write...
The Greatest Bengali Stories Ever Told by Arunava Sinha
I am a fan of Arunava Sinha. While I can't comment on his translation skills as I have not read the originals of what...
Panorama – Short Stories by Shilpi Chaklanobis
Panorama by Shilpi Chaklanobis is a collection of short stories that take a byte of your day to day life. Imagine a scoop of...
Bombay Stories by Saadat Hasan Manto
Saadat Hasan Manto is almost a sacred name in literary circles. His life story is as celebrated as his works, especially short stories. If...
Afterlife – Ghost Stories from Goa by Jessica Faleiro
Afterlife - Ghost Stories from Goa by Jessica Faleiro took me back to my childhood days. Those electricity-less days when we Kid's used to gather...
A Gathering of Friends by Ruskin Bond
It’s a joy to read Ruskin Bond. His simple stories re-create a life in Dehradoon and around on paper for you. He just picks...
Teresa’s Man & other Stories from Goa by Damodar Mauzo
Damodar Mauzo is a Sahitya Akademi award winning Konkani author. People also know him as Bhai in Goa. I have had the chance to...
Until Death do us Part by Julia Dutta
Julia Dutta presents a collection of short stories in a self-published format on Amazon. 17 stories are set roughly around the theme of intimate human relationships...