
Rajasthani Stories Retold by Rima Hooja

Rajasthani Stories Retold by Rima Hooja

Folk Tales have a way of telling you history in a way that it is wrapped in fiction. They add their own twists and...
Ghumakkad Swami by Rahul Sankrutyayan

Ghumakkad Swami by Rahul Sankrutyayan

Ghumakkad Swami by Rahul Sankrutyayan is the story of a wandering Swami who travels across the length and breadth of North India. It is...
Born of the Soil - Kalindi Charan Panigrahi, Translated by Bikram Das

Born of the Soil by Kalindi Charan Panigrahi, Bikram Das

This year I want to make a conscious effort to read a bit more regional Indian literature, a bit more Hindi literature. I was...
Lyrebird by Cecelia Ahern

Lyrebird by Cecelia Ahern – A Review

Lyrebird by Cecelia Ahern takes you to the world where nature and the man meet. Through the story of a girl who is like...
Volga se Ganga by Rahul Sankrityayan

Volga Se Ganga by Rahul Sankrityayan

Volga Se Ganga by Rahul Sankrityayan is an epic. It traces the human evolution from 6000 BCE to 1942 CE through a common man's...
Battle for Bittora by Anuja Chauhan

Battle for Bittora by Anuja Chauhan

The battle for Bittora presents the 2009 general elections of India in a fictionalized form. You see the typical candidates who get tickets by...
Life and the Grey Notes by Mayank S Sengar

Life and the Grey Notes by Mayank S Sengar

Life and the Grey Notes by Mayank S Sengar is a book that most of us have within us. Anyone of us can write...
The Greatest Bengali Stories Ever Told by Arunava Sinha

The Greatest Bengali Stories Ever Told by Arunava Sinha

I am a fan of Arunava Sinha. While I can't comment on his translation skills as I have not read the originals of what...
Evading The Shadows by Rajesh M Iyer

Evading the Shadows by Rajesh M Iyer

Evading the Shadows by Rajesh M Iyer is a slice of Mahabharata - albeit laced with author's own imagination and fascination. I always say...
A House without Windows by Nadia Nadia Hashimi

A House without Windows by Nadia Hashimi

A House without Windows by Nadia Hashimi takes you to the women's world in remote Afghanistan. Yes, the story is not based in urban...

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