Self Help Books are books that everyone reads while pretending not to read them. No wonder the self-help category is full of books to choose from. You can get lost in the piles of books or the promotional banners of such books on your computer and mobile screens. Reading not so good self-help books can be draining.
Why Read Self Help Books?
Most self-help books tell you what you probably already know, but maybe something you forget in practice. Self Help books, in my opinion, are like reminders that we need to give ourselves from time to time. They remind us of the importance of things that are important in our lives but maybe not urgent like our health, our family and even ourselves.
Self Help books re-iterate the small things that we must do every day to stay happy and healthy. It could be a simplest but the most difficult thing to do like getting up early morning or giving up your morning cup of tea or coffee. It tells you in a way that you remind yourself to follow it, even if it is for some days only.
Earlier when I used to finish reading a self-help book, I used to question myself, why did I read it? Did I not know all this? Is this not common sense? Now, many years later, and many self-help books later I know they can help you change your habits or lifestyle little by little.
Having said that, choosing the right self-motivation books is the key. So, here is a list of Self Help Books that helped me over the years.
Best Self Help Books To Read
These books cover a wide range of areas where we need to motivate ourselves from basics like health to goals like Mantra Siddhi.
1. The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron – Discover Creative Self
This is the best self-help book to read for people who feel their creativity is stuck for some reason. It is especially great for the people in the creative field like writers, filmmakers, scientists, etc.
What I liked most about this book is its practical approach. It just does motivate you to be more creative but gives you practical steps to follow to unlock your creativity like writing morning pages and artist’s dates.
2. The Secret Letters of the Monk who sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma
Robin Sharma is best known for his book – The Monk who Sold his Ferrari, but of all his books that I have read, Secret Letters of the Monk who sold his Ferrari is my favorite. I may be biased as the protagonist in this book travels. The key takeaway of this book is how when you travel outwards you actually travel inwards.
If you are someone as enthusiastic about Travel, as I am, this is a book you must read. It will help you connect with the deeper reasons of ‘Why we Travel’. I also enjoyed the communication that happens via food when we feed someone or when someone feeds us. Read it.
Currently reading his 5 AM Club, hope his magic works again.
3. Don’t Lose Your Mind, Lose Your Weight by Rujuta Diwekar
This is one book that made me change my lifestyle. I gave up my bed tea, now I take one cup of tea post breakfast. Have managed to sustain this for almost 10 years now since this book first came. I also try to follow her advice of being active for at least 3-4 hours a week.
Overall, this book only tells you to 4 major changes to make – Give up tea or coffee first thing in the morning, eat every 2 hours, eat more when you are more active, have a 2-hour gap between dinner and sleeping, and exercise a bit. The rest of the book is about convincing you to change with stories, explanations, and examples.
4. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen Covey
This is a classic self-help book, that everyone should read at least once in their lifetime. It gives you a very positive outlook to design your life with an end goal in mind. What I like most about this book is that it not only tells you to work on yourself, but also reminds you of keeping the well being of those around you in mind in it’s Win-Win strategy.
It is one of the all-time best selling Self Help books available in almost all kinds of formats.
5. Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
This book will give you the much needed advise on building your financial base. While I do not agree with the idea of only investing in assets to generate money, it does give you the freedom to what you want to do.
Again, it talks about common sense, that I think most people in India used to follow to a certain extent. Read it to remind yourself to save and make your money work for you, rather than you working for the money.
6. Ageless Body, Timeless Mind – Deepak Chopra
Who does not want to have an ageless body and a timeless mind? Deepak Chopra serves you the recipe in bite-size servings. Based on Ayurvedic principles, he tells you to balance your emotions, psychology, food, and your doshas. I remember I learned to look at my tongue and know if my stomach is upset after reading this. Being aware of how my tongue should look helps to keep it fit.
Again, if you have lived in India, not many things would be new. Remember, this book is a reminder to follow those age-old principles and enjoy those benefits.
7. No Mud, No Lotus by Thich Nhat Hanh
Thich Nhat Hanh has a lot of books to his credit. I have read this one book and I am recommending it. The book is about healing yourself. Incidentally, I read it when I was not keeping well. It really had a soothing impact on me. I was able to accept my pain and deal with it a bit of ease.
His words have a certain magical, soothing power that makes you compassionate with yourself. Read it and tell me if you also felt so.
8. The Ancient Science of Mantras by Om Swami
If like most people do not have a guru, but still want to pursue your Mantra Sadhna, this book may help you. Even if you do not want to pursue and wondered how can chanting a Mantra help, this book has many answers.
I learned a lot of small nuances like why chant, which mantra to chant for what you want to achieve, which Mala to use for chanting, and the general rules.
9. The Power of Slow by Christine Louise Hohlbaum
Now, there are tonnes of self-help books on time management. This one hooks you with its title that promises to help you slow down. The best part of this book is that it helps you discover your relationship with time. Once you do that you would automatically balance it.
If you live in a big city, you would learn how the collective sense of time can impact your sense of time. Yes, think of it, the space you live in does have a relationship with time. It also gives you the reminder tips on Time Management, things you know but a reminder helps.
10. The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau
This is a book for small entrepreneurs and solo entrepreneurs, people who are self-employed. Every entrepreneur need not be a millionaire or a billionaire. If you can earn what you would earn in a well-paying job it is worth the independence it comes with.
The author helps you with some practical tips for starting and managing small businesses.
11. Absolute Khushwant by Khushwant Singh & Humra Quraishi
This bonus self-help book is not really a self-help book. However, it has life lessons from Khushwant Singh when he was in his late 90s and had a fulfilling life behind him. It does not matter if you like him or not, his life lessons are meaningful and come straight from experience.
Look at some of them – Have good health, have a decent amount of money, live in your own home, have a compatible companion. Have no envy for those ahead of you, do not waste time, have a hobby or two, manage your anger, and learn to enjoy your solitude. When he tells you with examples from his own life, you know he means it.
In the end, choose the self-help book based on what you are looking forward to improving or disciplining in your life.
Hello Anu,
Thanks for sharing the details. I also like the books of Om Swami, they are very inspiring.
I also request you to read my book, “The Perfect Sadhu”. Currently it is available only as Kindle eBook. It is highly inspirational and it has also got great spiritual wisdom in it which will benefit everybody a lot.
Thanks, Tarun. Will try to read your book as and when time permits.