Home 2017


The Greatest Bengali Stories Ever Told by Arunava Sinha

The Greatest Bengali Stories Ever Told by Arunava Sinha

I am a fan of Arunava Sinha. While I can't comment on his translation skills as I have not read the originals of what...
The Fifth Man by Bani Basu

The Fifth Man by Bani Basu, Arunava Sinha

I have loved all the works of Arunava Sinha that he has translated from Bengali into English. I have started trusting his choice of...
A mirrored Life - A Rumi Novel Rabisankar Bal Arunava Sinha

A Mirrored Life by Rabisankar Bal & Arunava Sinha

I am not sure if I am more impressed by the translations of Arunava Sinha or his choice of books that he chooses to...
The Love Letter and other stories by Buddhadeva Bose Tr by Arunava Sinha

The Love Letter by Buddhadeva Bose Tr by Arunava Sinha

The Love letter and other stories is a collection of 9 short stories and plays. It talks about the Love and Lust that exist...
Dozakhnama by Rabisankar Bal

Dozakhnama by Rabisankar Bal, Translated by Arunava Sinha

Dozakhnama, Conversations in Hell, is one of the best contemporary works I have read recently. On the face of it is a conversation between...

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