Home 2011
The Happiness Quotient by Dr Rekha Shetty, Ph.d
This book The Happiness Quotient is a perfect example of:
The power of a catchy title and a good cover design.
Bestsellers that are rarely read.
A bestseller...
Chanakya’s Chant by Ashwin Sanghi
Chanakya as a historical character was discovered not too long ago. But he has caught the imagination of all who heard or read about...
I have a Dream by Rashmi Bansal – Book Review
I have a Dream is 20 stories of people who have chosen an unusual path for themselves. Driven by their dreams to make an...
The Secret of The Nagas by Amish
This second book in the Shiva Trilogy The Secret of the Nagas by Amish was probably the most awaited book since people read his...