Home 2011
A Flawed God by Arjun Shekhar
A corporate junkie looks at characters around him in the office. Reads a few books. And makes a list of ingredients that he needs...
Braking News by Sunetra Choudhury
The title of the book Braking News very aptly sums what the book is all about: 2 girls, 15,000 km, 715 Million Votes. Well,...
The Groaning Shelf by Pradeep Sebastian
A bibliophile’s dream is a room full of books. Books from floor to the ceiling, the smell of paper, some light to read, if...
She’s a Jolly Good Fellow by Sajita Nair
A woman in men’s world and that too a domain like Indian Army where no woman had ever entered to command the men definitely...
The Art of Choosing by Sheena Iyengar
'We are all but a product of our choices’, is something that we all have heard sometime somewhere. We usually agree with it. But...
Delhi Durbar by Krishan Partap Singh
Delhi Durbar is the second book in the author’s Raisina Series. It takes you through the power corridors of the country through the eyes...
Striker Stopper by Moti Nandy
World of sports is more or less like the world of glamour. Where the players go through extreme highs and lows regularly and unpredictably....
The Englishman’s Cameo by Madhulika Liddle
Imagine the lives of people in the times of Shahjahan. When the city of Shahjahanabad had just been set up. And the court moved...
Young Turks aka The Road to Raisina by Krishan Partap Singh
They say that today Indians have dreams in their eyes, and they are not scared of dreaming anything, they dream of having big global...
The Flipside Finding the Hidden Opportunities in Life by Adam J Jackson
I stopped buying and reading self-help books long time back. And my opinion of them is pretty much firmed up. They are good to...