Navagraha Purana by V S Rao


Navagraha Purana was on my reading list since I started learning astrology. Navagraha or the nine planets are the basis of all astrology, all over the world. So having a good understanding of them is the first step in understanding the very concepts of astrology.

One of my favorite astrologers always says that planets behave just the way we humans do. We are happy with our friends, unhappy with our enemies and neutral to those who are neutral to us. So, it is important not just to understand the basic nature of planets but also their interrelationships.

Navagraha Purana by V S RaoOur scriptures tell us everything in the form of a story. So, each of the nine planets from Sun to Saturn to Rahu and Ketu have their back stories. These stories involve their births that tells you their lineage and where they come from. Then, there are stories of their lives that includes their education, their families, and major incidents from their lives.

Buy The Navagraha Purana in English or Hindi

On the face of it they seem like mythical stories, with lots of fantasy. However, as you start understanding the Indian literature, you know that these stories carry a whole lot of coded information. Some of it tells us about the cosmological movements through these stories.

What is interesting about Navagraha Purana is that is it written in a Purana format. So, it is a dialogue between a Guru and his disciples. Students have questions about planets, that the Guru answers. There are 5 lakshanas of Puranas and the author has made sure those conditions are met to call it a purana.

Book first takes you through the stories of birth of all the 9 planets. While the birth of certain planets like Sun and Moon are better known, the stories of birth of rest of the planets are not so well known. Rao starts by telling you the rishi they draw their lineage from. You will understand many names that these planets get through these stories. For example, Mars or mangala is known as Bhumiputra or the son of the earth. The story tells you how he was born of earth. Cosmologically, it is possible that it broke away from earth.

He has also given alternate stories that exist for the births of Rahu and Ketu. It is up to you which one you want to believe in. The differences usually comes from regional differences. So, as a reader you may feel affiliation to one version more than the other.

Life and Glory of Planets

Second section of the book tells the life stories of the 9 planets. I knew most of the stories – both birth as well as life stories from different Puranas. However, in Puranas they are scattered all over. Here they are beautifully presented in a linear manner. You can even refer to them as and when required. It may not be possible to remember all of them all the time unless you are a practicing astrologer.

Third section of the book tells you the glory of all the planets, albeit a but briefly. It does not get into any astrological interpretations of the planets. You would still need a seasoned astrologer to do that for you.

Overall, a very interesting book. I read it in Hindi, which is in a language as close to Sanskrit as possible. Pick up the Hindi version only if your Hindi is very good. Read it in English or if you know Telugu then the original in Telugu.

Casual reading would help you understand planets and their very vulnerable nature. It is a huge book with 500 pages that demands some patience.

Read it.

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