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Life Beyond Work

Planning Your Life Beyond Work

Stepping into the new calendar year means surfing through a barrage of forwarded new year greetings. Answering the ones personally addressed with a hint...
Visual Shouting Advertising

Visual Shouting of Pervasive Advertising

I was recently on a boat ride on the Ganga at Varanasi, nostalgically looking at the ghats—the most beautiful riverfront one can see for...
Waste Management Woes

The Environmental Cost Of Convenience

On my morning walks in the university campus where I am a scholar-in-residence, I initially saw piles of waste everywhere. It is oldest living...
Tackling things at Source of Problem

Tackling The Source Of Problems

Come elections, and newspaper front pages and social media timelines are full of new hospitals being launched or their foundation stones being laid, mostly...

Are We Prepared For Digital Accidents?

A Microsoft glitch triggered by an update from its security partner Crowdstrike recently brought down computer systems around the world. While we noticed airports...
Crowd Management To Avoid Stampedes

Crowd Management To Avoid Stampedes

The last thing I wanted to experience in the beautiful valley of Kashmir was getting struck in a traffic jam. Yet, that is exactly...
Mundane Wishlist for Modi 3.0

A Mundane Wishlist For Modi 3.0

With the cacophony of the elections settled, the Modi-led NDA or Modi 3.0 has started its third stint and second decade in power. Let...
Brahmacharya for New Age

Redefining Brahmacharya For The New Age

It is easy to tempt anyone on diet to have a samosa or a piece of cake at a birthday party, but it is...

A Case Against Automated Voice Messages

A deluge of automated voice messages is the latest menace we all are facing. A series of numbers starting with 713xx is used solely...
Chaitra - Ayodhya Ram Lalla image

Chaitra – Time For Nava Samvatsara

Chaitra – the first month of the Indian Hindu Calendar derives its name from Chitra Nakshatra, in which the full moon will shine. Any...

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