This year in the 25th edition of India’s premier record book Limca Book of Records, this blog found a place as a record holder. I take this moment to look back at a very special relationship that I have shared with the book and the people behind the book.
25 years back, when I was still in school, I remember looking at the Limca Book of Records (LBR) at a bookshop in Chandigarh, behind a glass window. Something happened to me, I wanted to be a part of that book. I had no idea – how, but there was a strong urge to be a part of the book. After that, every time I visited bookshops I browsed the book. And in my mind wished that one day I would make a record and be there. What record – I had no clue. I made no effort whatsoever for any records that could lead me there. But the thought or rather a wish always remained there. I guess I am not being too different here, many schools going kids would have had the same urge.
Limca Book of Records – AnuReviews
15 years back I started working for Coca-Cola India. A corner of the plush corporate office belonged to the LBR team, headed by Viji – Mrs. Vijaya Ghose. I was excited, to say the least. I happily walked up to them and started talking. And I wanted to ask them all about how they get to know records, how they verify them. How the whole publishing thing works. Viji became a mother figure in my life, whom I always looked up to. She would work tirelessly for long hours and would still be smiling every time I went and spoke to her. We started talking many things and became friends. I helped them a bit with technology as a part of my work assignment.
5 years back I moved from Bangalore to Gurgaon. And I was working on my own. I paid a courtesy visit to LBR office and Viji. She invited me to contribute to LBR. I started writing some innovation stories for them. And my name started appearing in the contributors/consultants list on the book. So, I did become a part of the book in a way that I had not even imagined. I was happy and marked the wish – fulfilled.
This year, I along with got featured in the book as a record. When I received the certificate and the copy of the book, I felt the circle is completed. A childhood dream has been fulfilled in more number of ways than I could have ever imagined.
Sometimes it works better if we leave the destiny of our dreams to themselves.
Congratulations, Anu! Keep it up.
Thank you Vinay for encouraging as always.
Congratulations on a dream come true 🙂 It would have indeed been a special moment for you.
Thank yo. Yes, it was indeed very special.
Thank you Manjulika.
306 books? Hmm . . . I need 25 years to even equal that record! Probably you can write an article on how to read quickly – will be useful to slow readers like me 🙂
Destination Infinity
Its 378 now :-). But I know so many people who read much more than I do.
Hearty congratulations! 🙂
Loved the last line.. “Sometimes it works better if we leave the destiny of our dreams to themselves.” 🙂
A great achievement, congrats
Congratulations! 🙂
It is always a matter of professional and personal achievement to be a part of LBR Family.