A field book Explore Delhi, a workbook by Karma Kids Travel for the kids to go out and explore their own city. In this case Delhi. It takes the reader or rather the user through 21 odd destinations or attractions in Delhi in a very engaging way. It tells you about the places. And more than that ignites curiosity in you to find out more about the place. Some places are well known like Qutub Minar and India Gate. While others are not so well know like Sulabh Toilets Museum or Doll Museum.
Sketches, pictures, designed writing make it a visually appealing book. Small size makes it easy to pick up and take with you anywhere. Questions at the end of the visit make sure that you have seen the place properly. And not missed any important points. At places, there are tips that can enrich your visit. In the end, there is a small crossword to solve.
Overall a brilliant attempt to make the children interested in the heritage around them. They have two books in the series as of now. One on London and the other on Delhi. I hope they are working on the same for other cities and towns. I also hope schools are able to use this book to take students out for regular outings.
And I would love an adult version of this workbook Explore Delhi that tells people to look at heritage around them before crossing borders to see the world.