
India A Sacred Geography by Diana L Eck

India A Sacred Geography by Diana L Eck

Long time back I had read a book by Osho that spoke about India being a sacred space. And not a country defined by...
Gandhari Ki Atmakatha by Manu Sharma

Gandhari Ki Atmakatha by Manu Sharma

Gandhari Ki Atmakatha, Ah Mahabharat again! This time as a story of Gandhari, only focusing on what she knew, what she saw and her...

The Art of Tantra by Philip Rawson – Book Review

Tantra is mysterious subject. Not many people know about it beyond the word Tantra. Interestingly, what we popularly know about Tantra today is from...

Bhagavad Gita by Mani Rao – Book Review

Gita is a text that has enchanted many since the time it was spoken at Kurukshetra. And it has enchanted each one in a...

The book of Durga by Nilima Chitgopekar

Durga, at the moment, is the most popular avatar of the Devi. Her visual form with multiple arms riding on a Lion and killing...
The Sufi Mystery by Idries Shah

The Sufi Mystery by Idries Shah

Sufism has always intrigued me. The only association I have had with them is the fact that I like Sufi music which somewhere touches...

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