
aaj bhi khare hain talab anupam mishra

Aaj Bhi Khare Hain Talab by Anupam Mishra

Aaj Bhi Khare Hain Talab or Ponds are still relevant is a rare gem of a book, a scripture written in our time and...
Hinduism and Nature by Nanditha Krishna

Hinduism And Nature By Nanditha Krishna

Hinduism and Nature intrigued me with its title. I stayed on in ‘unread’ shelf for over a year, next to my bed reading table...
Grey Hornbills at Dusk by Bulbul Sharma

Grey Hornbills at Dusk by Bulbul Sharma

Bulbul Sharma - Can you have a more appropriate name for a person who writes a book on the birds that she sees around...
Green Wars by Bahar Dutt Dispatches from a Vanishing World

Green Wars by Bahar Dutt – Book Review

Bahar Dutt - an animal lover and an environmental journalist in the book Green Wars talks about her various expeditions across India. And a...
Dar Dar Gange by Abhay Mishra and Pankaj Ramendu

Dar Dar Gange by Abhay Mishra and Pankaj Ramendu

Another Bibliophile recommended this book Dar Dar Gange to me. And I immediately picked it up, as it was one of the very few...
Churning the Earth by Aseem Shrivastava & Ashish Kothari

Churning the Earth by Aseem Shrivastava & Ashish Kothari

The first reaction after finishing the first section of the book Churning the Earth is to see if we can go back to the...
Ganga: A Journey down the Ganges River

Ganga: A Journey down the Ganges River by Julian Crandall Hollick

Ganga: A Journey Down the Ganges River book was published about 5 years back. My first instinct is to call it an old book....

Saffron Thinking Green Living by Dileep Kulkarni

This small 30 odd page booklet Saffron Thinking Green Living by Dileep Kulkarni, contains more of an essay rather than a book. The author...

Small is Beautiful by E F Schumacher

The byline of the book Small is Beautiful by E F Schumacher reads ‘a study of economics as if people mattered’. And I can...

The Environmental Crisis of Delhi by Sanjay Yadav

This is the fourth book that I read on environment and ecology in quick succession, is this some kind of sign? Sanjay Yadav writes with...

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